
There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in. — Leonard Cohen

Infinite Tense, Museo MIS/São Paulo, 2012
Deformation, sculpture canvas, 2012
Deformation, sculpture canvas, 2012
Infinite Tense, Museo MIS/São Paulo, 2012
Wind, sculpture canvas, 2012

Artworks selection, installation and paint-sculptures, canvas, rope and wood, screws and nails, varnishes, 2012 — ongoing

Like giants, we transformed painting into an accordion. Like ghosts, we floated inside and enlarged its magnitude. Like hackers, we created a backdoor so we could go back in. And that’s where everything comes from.

The artistic practice as a quest for enlightenment.


MIS Museu da Imagem e do Som
San Paolo Brasil 2012
So Vast is Art interview, Brasil 2012

Milano 2012
Next Exit interview, Italy 2012

L’uomo Vogue, Italy 2012

Accademia di Belle Arti di Urbino
Urbino 2012
Commissioned by Guarda Lontano

Krisis, students performance, Accademia di Belle Arti di Urbino, 2012

Krisis, students performance, Accademia di Belle Arti di Urbino, 2012


Krisis, students performance, Accademia di Belle Arti di Urbino, 2012


Navicella, drawing, markers on paper, 2011



A change in perspective, the universe turned inside out like a sock, from outside to inside. Analogies of our bodies as containers. Demons, torments, feelings imprinted into shapes.


Overcoming limits, always. Going beyond the work of two people. Opening up to collaboration based on our idea, to see it modified by others, making it true and universal. An Open Source approach, whenever possible.

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